There is a 24 chutes sample changer on the magnet, which you will use to load/unload your sample and to queue samples on automation (iconnmr).
The console is an Avance III HD. It has a Smart probe, with excellent signal-to-noise ratio on both proton and low-band nuclei.
The probe is tuned automatically: this is the instrument you want to use for heteronuclear NMR.
On the b600 you can run 2D experiments with pulsed-field-gradients and shaped pulses, as well as selective 1D experiments. Ask here for a training.
The temperature range is from -150 to 150 C. Ask here for a training.
F19 is on the low-band coil, therefore after tuning to F19 you have to tune back to C13 (and not to H1 as on the Varian instruments). It has the best signal-to-noise ratio for F19 of all the instruments in the Center. This configuration allows for F19-H1 correlation experiments, like HOESY, or observing one of these two nuclei while decoupling the other.